Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You Know Your Lunch is Too Short If...

You have to try on a pair of shorts in the main Target aisle.

I just ran to Target over lunch to get candles because I'm in charge of the office's July birthday festivities, along with another coworker. So I found myself frosting a cake at 6am this morning thinking about poor Milton from "Office Space" just trying to get a piece of cake because he didn't get one last time.

But anyways, back to Target...there in the main aisle between men's clothing and the office supplies was a man dropping his pants, his dress pants (some people call them slacks). His work shoes were already off, waiting patiently next to a bottle of shaving cream on the floor. And I tried to look away, but I couldn't because, is this dude REALLY undressing in the aisle? Yup. So he bends over to slip off his pants and what I at first thought were his boxers were actually some kind of workout shorts, now complemented by dark work socks. He then proceeds to take a pair of cargo shorts from the rack right next to him and try them on.

Next time, take an hour lunch!

1 comment:

Andy said...

I didn't think anyone I knew would be at that Target over the noon I'm embarrassed!