Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Here goes nothin'

Ok, so I created this blog more than two years ago, and I have not posted one thing. Not one thing. Why you ask? Because I'm chicken. And because I'm taking myself way too seriously. I think I have this idea that every blog post needs to be deep, philosophical, meaningful. And if it's not, I'm not a good writer, and I will have somehow failed. See? Taking myself way too seriously.

But today is a new day. And today I blog! And tomorrow and the next day, and the day after that I blog. And you will read, or at least my parents and my bestest friends will. And the posts are so not going to be deep or philosophical. And maybe not even well-written. And that is A-OK (cringe). Yup. A-OK! (This is like getting Bs in high school, which was not A-OK).

So, here goes nothin'...

1 comment:

Heather said...

B's were definitely NOT A-ok in high school. In fact A-ok was not even okay, because there's a "-" involved. But alas, a few appeared on my transcript. I look forward to reading less-than-perfect blog. It's about time we started being okay with being average, or 'effective' as Medtronic likes to call it.