Friday, January 22, 2010

Animals and taxes

Who loves Fridays? I do, I do. Especially because I can wear jeans and tennies to work. This morning, I helped stuff letters (tax info/receipts) into envelopes for an office mailing (a fabulously brainless task for a few minutes on a Friday!).

I learned that animals pay taxes, too.

Names on mailing list:
Babie Moose
(someone should have told mom and dad this one when I was born!)

Rusty Lyon

Address on mailing list:
Walking Horse Dr. (as opposed to running horse? or perhaps galloping?)

*If you should happen to know Babie or Rusty, I know that they are not, in fact, animals.
**To devoted readers who'd prefer I post every day...this is what you're gonna get sometimes! Rusty lions and baby meese.
***Happy Friday!

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