Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spontaneity to Thursday's regularity

So, last night at the Twins game, I had a yummy ice cream (choc/van twist) cone. It was great, but not as great as TCBY (The Country’s Best Yogurt), and because of that it got me craving TCBY. As the lunch hour approached today, I got a hairbrained idea. Why not be super wild and crazy?! For lunch, don’t eat the can of soup that’s been in my drawer for months at my desk. Instead, why not hop in the car, drive a ridiculous distance to get some TCBY?! It’s neither practical nor the best use of time, which made it sound super great!

I did. I grabbed my keys, hopped in my car, rolled the window down, and drove to one of the nearest TCBYs. It was connected to a Subway, which had a line out the door. But no one was at the TCBY counter. I walked up to that counter, picked out what I wanted and waited. No one helped me. So, I decided to go wait in the looooong Subway line. I finally get up to that counter and ask if I could please just have a cup of yogurt. Sure, she says, and together we walk over to the other counter. Excitedly, I ask for a cup of chocolate and vanilla twisted. My mouth is watering and I’m patting myself on the back for being so spontaneous! What a terrific idea, hj! Well, she says, they’re not serving vanilla today. Um. What? doesn’t every place serve vanilla every day? Alright. Well, I'll just do plain chocolate then. She turns to do that, pulls the chocolate. She turns back to me...sorry, they’re out at the moment. So, I can either get strawberry (they were serving only two flavors unlike Cali's great Golden Spoon which never failed me with "cake batter") or wait a few minutes for them to refill the chocolate. At this point, why not wait a few more minutes? I tell her I’ll wait and thank her for filling it for me. She goes in back only to come out a minute or two later. They’re out of chocolate completely.

Come again? What?!

But I didn’t eat my can of soup like I always do. I didn’t sit in front of my desk like I always do. I didn’t worry about using unnecessary gas. And I was even going to get the “regular” size not just “small”! I waited in the loooong Subway line? And now I got nothin’?! (I didn’t want strawberry). I turned and chuckled. That’s SO what I get for being so spontaneous on a regular Thursday.

To lick my wounds, as I wouldn’t be licking any yogurt, I drove to the nearest park and grabbed my blanket. I laid out in the middle of dandelions enjoying the sunshine, cool breeze, and the smell of flowers for about 15 minutes. And that short break was pretty darn close to being as good as the country’s best (or lamest) yogurt.

I strongly encourage spontaneity on a regular Thursday.

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