Friday, January 23, 2009

Throw the confetti

Bright-colored confetti decorated my neighborhood this morning. Neon blue, orange, yellow, pink 8 ½ x 11 pieces of paper flew all over the place creating a happy, polka-dot celebration amidst the drab, dirty white snow as I pulled out of my driveway.

It’s trash day, and it was windy, so I’m guessing the trash people lost some control and as they tried to get the trash into the truck...swoooooosh...this confetti got loose. And rather than try to run down all the devious sheets of paper excited to be out of their brown, trashbin prison, the trash people just said, "screw it," and kept going.

As I turned out of my neighborhood and a bright orange—seemingly empty—sheet of paper passed my windshield, I thought it’d be fun if they had a purposeful note on them in big black letters: "SMILE: IT’S FRIDAY!" Because it is. It’s Friday. And you should smile. Throw the confetti.

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