Thursday, February 23, 2012

Like we're really living...

Every now and then B talks in his sleep. A few weeks ago, he actually whispered in his sleep. Groggily, I rolled over and began to wake up as I heard B moving and then, in a whisper...

"If we keep moving forward, it'll feel like we're really living." 

Um. What? I started chuckling and then repeated the line about 10 times in my head so as not to forget it when I re-woke up in the morning. I wanted to remember to tell B.

So, now we've been trying to figure out what it means (and why the whispering?!). I said I think he was dreaming that he was leading an expedition through a cave. I can see him holding a flashlight and in all seriousness he turned to his followers and whispered: "If we keep moving forward, it'll feel like we're really living."

He thinks it's about L.A., and the lack of real living one can do here. He was merely offering some encouragement that if we keep on keepin' on, things will get better.

He also thought maybe it was pre-marriage, and he was trying to convince me to make out more on the couch.

Whatever it was, the phrase has become part of our everyday vernacular. The other night, we were so tired after a really long day, and yet we still had a few things we needed to knock of our list..."If we keep moving forward, it'll feel like we're really living," I a whisper.