Monday, February 09, 2009

Got style?

In a thrift shop in Chicago were four male mannequins outfitted in completely different styles. My girlfriend and I looked at each other. “Who would you go for?” I then proceeded to tell her that obviously her guy was mannequin #2, wearing the argyle cardigan. She told me that I was obviously #4 (I just remember there were hole-y jeans involved). We laughed because we were so right.

Yesterday, I was at a bridal shop with four friends, one of whom is getting married. We were there to see “the dress.” Mission accomplished—and purchased. But what I found incredibly humorous was that we could all easily describe each other’s dresses. Who would be the halter top. Who would have the bows (not me). Who would have the sparkles (also not me). Who would have the sweetheart cut. Who would so NOT have such and such. One year for Christmas, we each unknowingly gave each other our appropriate shirts. I, of course, got a long underwear shirt. Someone got a pink shirt. Someone else got a cardigan. We get each other's styles.

So this just got me thinking about how awesome it is to have people in your life who don’t just recognize that you—and your likes and dislikes—are somehow different than them. Friends come to understand your differences, and in doing so, turn them into your style.

I got style. And I’m so thankful.

1 comment:

Jeannie Choi said...

This was like the most fun day! It was hilarious to be able to match you up with a "man"-nequin. har har. I MISS YOU HJ!!!!