Monday, July 13, 2009

Yesterday, today, and forever

I have a kacki-colored, Mr. Rogers-like sweater. I got it early in college, which means, mmm, I don’t know. It’s probably 10 years old. I was shopping with my boyfriend at the time at Dayton’s. We were in the men’s section, and this sweater—size x-small—was on sale, and it called out to me. It zips all the way up. Has two great pockets. Part wool. Super warm. Simple. I wore it all the time in college and right after. You only need to look at a few photos from that era to see I’m not lying.

But then I moved to Cali. It came with me, but it hung out in my closet the entire time. I think it was partly the weather, but also I came to a point where I wondered if it actually was really ugly. Did I look homeless in it? I mean, I’d had it for so long. Maybe my love for it had made me blind, and I shouldn’t be wearing it anymore! I had some doubts.

It moved back to Minnesota with me, and I’ve recently rekindled my love for this sweater. I had it on last week and my friend from Cali—who hadn’t seen it before—told me she really liked my sweater. I smiled. Why, thank you. I told her of my strained sweater relationship, and how we’re suddenly going strong again.

This morning I read Hebrews 13:8, and I was convicted.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Do I really believe this? If I’m completely honest, I don’t think I do most of the time. The Jesus who performs miracles! Who brings sight to the blind! Who tells stories to children! Who heals lepers! Who calms storms! Who loves us! Right now? That’s crazy talk!

I mean, I say I do, but I think, almost unknowingly, I put Christ on a timeline. He was that then. Now He’s this today. Sure, He did all those things back in the day, but really, on a day-to-day basis, right now, He’s more removed. He’s further away. Sure...still there, still listening, but not quite what He was. And what convicted me most about this was realizing that in doing this, in thinking these things, I decide who God is, which is absurd! I’m deciding He can and can’t do certain things or that He does or does not have certain power. THAT is crazy talk, and I have a tendency to do this when I don’t feel or see God moving in my life as much I’d like. Doesn’t mean He’s not working, I’m just not capable of seeing it at times.

We are told who God is though! It’s not for me or you to decide. And what He is today is exactly what He was 2,000 years ago. Neither His love nor His power has in any way lessened or decreased or become more removed. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And I really liked how when I looked this verse up in a number of different translations, they all used the same. He is the same in NIV, ASV, and NAS. He is the same.

It's a bit like my sweater. Despite going through the wash many times, it doesn't really look all that different from when I first bought it. It still has it goin’ on—in a vintage, thrift-shop sort of way—despite my occasional fashion doubts.

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